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Inicio | Diagnostic tests | Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Monitoring
Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Monitoring

What does it consist of?

Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Control allows detecting possible fractures, displacements or signs of wear in patients with breast implants. It is a basic test for the periodic review of silicone implants. Specialists recommend checking breast prostheses every 5 years, since the presence of breaks can cause the displacement of the implant and favor the dispersion of free silicone particles around the breasts, which can lead to inflammatory reactions.



Fractura oblicua de peroné infrasindesmal Cortes coronales, sagitales y axiales.(1)
Cases in which it is recommended

Who is it for?

Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Control is used to the evaluation of breast implants



Previous preparation

You have to bring all the examinations related to the exploration (mammograms, breast ultrasounds …). In women who still menstruate, the test must be performed a week or week and a half after menstruation (from the 5th day to the 15th day).


If the test is intended to biopsy the lesion, you will also need to bring coagulation tests. Since it is a very complex test, which requires a thorough study of the images by the radiologist, the results are available in 5 days.

Fractura oblicua de peroné infrasindesmal Cortes coronales, sagitales y axiales.(2)